Our Pages

Tuesday 1 November 2011


What we hope to show with our digital story is to show how important music is to the Doukhobors. We believe that music is what is keeping the Doukhobors heritage alive. We went to the Doukhobor museum and took some really beautiful pictures, and then rode to the Dom, a building where Doukhobors sing, and heard some amazing stories. Later on some Doukhobor grandparents told some heartfelt stories about there childhood, we were so happy that they came! It was very nice that the New Denver class could join us on Skype! We had some professional film makers come into our class, Mo and William, big thanks to them for looking at our story board! They showed us how to make a strong video. After that we made our story board and found out a goal for us. That is where we are at!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post is detailed, and as your reader, I can really tell the process you went through to get to where you are now as a group.

    Music is so powerful a force. I can't wait to see how you've described the musical influences of the Doukhobor people. What kind of other research did you do (ie. website?)

    Don't forget to sign your first names at the bottom of your blog posts :)
