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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Final Reflection

November 17 2011

This is the final reflection for our Doukhobor unit, for which we were asked some questions. some of these questions were...

What does culture now  mean to you?

Culture: The beliefs, communication, diet and education of a group of people.

How would you now describe the Doukhobors?

Douhkobors are very peaceful people and don't believe in violence. They lead very communal lives and do believe in simplicity and that food draws everybody together.

How is learning about another culture learning about your culture?

Learning about another culture makes you think more about your culture, which enables you to make connections and and realize how similar or different your culture is to the one your learning about.

Els H.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

final reflection

"This is my final reflection on the Doukhobor whay of life project with my grade 7 class"              "I found out that culture is not just a boring peace of other peoples lives its a way of life and its every where"   eric tarasaoff

Final Reflections

''What Culture means to me is a groupe of people and what they bealeve in.''

''What I have learned about the doukabours is that they are a groupe of russians people that came to canada seeking shelter.''

''The only thing that I have learned about the doukabours is that they make good borsh.''

By: Rory

Final Reflection

My understanding of culture now...

A community of people who are all brought together by their similar beliefs and living styles, accepting one anothers differences, thoughts and habits, also while standing on your own.

My understanding of Doukhobors now....

A community that would stick together, and believed in simplicity, only needing what you truely need; air, water, food, shelter, love, ect.. The term, bread salt and water in the Doukhobor culture was placed on the table to represent suttleness, only needing your basics to live. The Doukhobor culture was without greed and with, eachother.

Connections I can make with Doukhobors and myself....

While doing this project I feel I've gained a lot more respect for the Doukhobor culture, going from knowing nothing on the topic to discovering we have similar spiritual beliefs, growing sympathy for there harsh times, while I also feel as if I've learned more on what kind of person to be. Peace was an extreme importance in Doukhobor culture, as it will remain to me.


final reflection

A coulture is like a community of people who have similar beliefs like music, food tradishion

what I know about the doukhobors is well I'm doukhobor they ar nice people bread salt and water means peace for the doukhobor. They have food russsian food there is borsh, lapsha and dumplings and so much more.

I'm doukhobor my family is doukhobor we eat doukhobor food we ar a doukhobor family.


Final Reflection

For a final reflection in our Doukhobor projects we got prompts to write something. My class got three prompts the first was:
What is culture mean to you and how could it bring a community together?
This is what I wrote:
Culture is a way of life for a group of people. How it would bring a community together is that since they all share something it brings them together.
Our second prompt was what we thought a Doukhobor was.
Here are my thoughts:
Doukhobor's are peaceful, happy, helping, spiritual and open minded people.
Our last prompt was one that I think I was the best at.
What we thought was valuable to learning about different cultures?
Here is what I thought:
Learning about different cultures makes me think of the values and things that are important to their culture. This causes me to think of what my values are and if i have any connections to that culture.
this was my final reflection. I enjoyed learning about the Doukhobors culture and I think you would to! this blog was written by:
Shyanna W.  

final reflection

Culture means to me is what represents you, My understanding of Doukhobor culture is what you believe in, I learned what bread salt and water means to them.

final reflection

Hello my name is Katelyn and this is my final reflection

What I think about culture.......
Way of life

My undcerstanding of the doukhobor.......

Their different
They believe in peace
The really interesting part was the education
They respectfully to the grandparents
Burning of the arms
The bread salt and water
They didn't want to drink or smoke
They didn't believe in war
They were a culture

What I think they seem like us.....
Their personallaty
They love and respect each other

By: Katelyn

KE  and have fun holidays  XOX  


My Understanding of culture is the belifs of a community and how the share and do the belifs.

My understanding of Doukhobors culture now is that they belive in they religens and they love being together and sharing.

How is learning about another culture valuable: Its valuable becasue some people think the only their religens are important, but when you get to know another culture it gets you thinking about other, how they act and what their religen is.

Thanks for reading my post :) hope u like it !.

By: Simone C

Miranda final reflection

To me...
    Culture is different ways of life for different groups of people and each individual group of people have their own way to do stuff and have different beliefs.

    Doukhobors are very peacful people and have many beliefs that they cherish.

    Learning about another culture helps you learn about yourself because if you both enjoy something they might now something  about it that you dont know about it and mabey later on you could use that info. Learning can also help you grow.


The Doukhobor

What is culture: Its to me a way of life for the people.

What did i learn: Before i only new about bortsch but now i now so many more the world has just opened up for me..

the difftrerence from my family and there's: my family is not russion

final reflections

culture is
way of life
understanding dokhobours
they had a hard life
im half dokhobour

jayden dickson

My Final Reflection

To me culture is about differences, beliefs, diet, history, music, art, inventions and location.

At the moment my understanding of the doukhobors is almost the same as before but a bit more expanded because I didn't know that some doukhobor children were forced to go to school. I already knew about their woodworking, beliefs,  food, bread salt & water and sewing.

Some connections of mine are the fact that I am of doukhobor ancestory, that my дедушка ( grandpa) does alot of woodworking and that my бабушка ( grandma) cooks alot of doukhobor food.

By: Харрисон Васильевич ( Harrison Wasilenkoff)

Final Reflection

What do i think about culture......
Culture means to me that everyone has their own way to live and no one can stop them from being who their are.
My understanding of the doukhobor culture....
That they wanted a nice peacful life to not go to war and to not get forced to go anywhere and to not have to risk their life.
  • They all had their own way to live.
Families are really nice and have the same needs my family is doukhobor and we are all same some in some diffrent way.
By Jesse Popoff

Final Reflection

                                           WHAT DO I THINK ABOUT CULTURE NOW?
Culture means to me now is that, family, friendship and coming
together as one. In a culture people look out for eachother, share
their beliefs as one,and grow friendships. Also I think being who you are in a culture and not pretending who others are.

What is your Understanding of Doukhobors now?
My experience was interesting, and also sort of sad. Being taken away from
their parents and not knowing if they were alive or how they were. Also I learnt
that Douhobors were good at sharing stories and songs, also they were good at cooking and they would all have dinner in a hall and socialize.

What Connections Can You Make Between Your Culture and Your Family Culture?

Scottish people are good at sharing stories and songs and the Scots also enjoy sharing their beliefs and food.

Thank You!
By: Hannah Brown


final reflection

culture means:
the food that they eat.
the songs they sing.
the languge they speak.
how they worshipped God.
and the way they did not believe in going to war.

this post was done by Quinn Perepolkin please leave comments.
ps. Do not leave bad comments.

final reflection

what is my understanding of culture now
  • religion
  • what represents a cumunity
  • home
  • basic survival needs
  • family
  • and that its not about food its about the people that it brings together...
see you at the presentation!!!
sencerily: Max T.

Final reflection

what is culture? - Culture is kinda what makes a group of people believe in something like beliefs and spirituality.

what is your understanding of Doukhobors? - Doukhobors are very nice down to earth friendly people, who only want freedom and peace

how is learning about another culture?-Well, the connections between my culture which is hungarian, is some foods are the same and some of the rules/beliefs


final reflection


Culture is beliefs all kinds of beliefs. I also think culture is where people share ideas and when they will have a different life. Culture will be a good thing in our lives if you belive that it is a good thing. Culture is where people share all kinds of beliefs. Beliefs is what makes you yourself.


My understanding of doukhobors is that they are the same people as us, but they get treated more meanly. They should get treated the same as us. I dont think we would like it if we got treated meanly and they got treated all nice with respect, we would not like it so why would we treat them like that.


Culture is all kinds of belifes, and doukhobors are people who belive in belifes. Doukhobors love to share all kinds of belifes. Doukhobors belive so they stay with it and they will share what they can with each other.

By: Kalina, Spurge:)

Final reflection

Riley Osachoff
I didn't know that they live together
and sang around to camp fires.
My baba and grandma are Doukhobor. They make me borscht and tarts. Most of my family is Doukhobor.

Final Reflection

1. The aspects that make up culture are food, traditions, music, religions, community, clothing, and most importantly beliefs, history and way of life. Culture builds a community in many ways, the way they celebrate brings everyone together, and the things in common they share makes a community feel like family.

2. My understanding of doukhobors is that they were very peaceful people that were treated the wrong way. They were bruitily abused and children were taken away to go to school in New Denver, they only got to see their parents every two weeks. Doukhobors were famous for their delicous food such as borchst and lapsha, which was always served  at funerals. Singing, praying, eating and even bathing together were normal things for the doukhobors.The doukhobor people had very little privacy and thats what brought them so close as a community. They were very creative with their entertainment, and were hard working people who did not believe in war.

3.It is very imprtant to learn about culture because it teaches us about the types of people that have lived or still remain on this earth. Say if I were a tourist, it would sure help out to know about the culture of the place I was visiting. If you are aware of their culture you would also be aware of the types of food you'd be eating, sights you'd see, and so on. The only thing I have in common with the doukhobors is that on special occasions or when I go camping we sit around a fire,eat and sometimes even sing!

~*~*~Tanisha Davis~*~*~ :D

final reflection

A culture is when a group of people have the same beliefs and work together to keep there group together.

I learned what type of tools they used for farming, what kind of vegetables they grew, when the doukhobors came to Canada from russia and also why they burnt there guns. :) ;)

My Experince With The Doukhobor Project (Food) Final Reflection

Culture To Me...
The aspects to make a culture require many things such as food, beliefs, and people!Culture is a group if people that have the same thoughts and knowlege in other words beliefs.Culture to me is my background, my roots something I share with millions of other people I've never even met! Culture is my heritage even though I have abosoloutely nothing about that it's important!

Doukhobors Now...
I now undersand the confilct the doukhobors had to go through. What the doukhobors did to maintian thier culture even having to burn thier weapons and leave thier homeland and still being treated unjust.I also learned about thier amazing foods and bread,salt, and water is all they needed to survive. I learned about borcht,labosha, and many other things about doukhobors I didn't even know!

I've learned that other cultures are fairly different from mine. I've learned that doukhobors culture can affect both me and my culture. The experience really helped me to better understand and respect the doukhobor culture. Doukhobors had to do many thing for thier freedom and so did mine.

What I Learned In My Group...
I learned about the foods and thier meanings I mean bortch something as popular as bortch came from the one and only doukhobors! I've learned about many foods that I can't spell or pronunce! At first I was a little hesitante about the project learning about a project I never even heard of! But now I am more open to new things and opportunitys!

              This is what I learned in the doukhobor project. -Sojpreet Kang


Final Reflection

A a culture is when a group of people have the same beliefs and work together to keep their beliefs alive.

At the doukhobor cultural Interperetive center I learned that the Doukhobor name meant spirit wrestler and that the  doukhobors got treated way worse than we have been treated today.

My connection with the doukhobor culture is that my grandparents are Doukhobor and my last name is Doukhobor.

final reflection

To me culture means the way groups of families live and their style of life. Cultures believe is the same rules, food and where they came from.

I learned about the Doukhobor culture and where they came from and how they got through the struggles of life. I also learned alot about food and what foods they use on spesial occasion because thats what my group and I did our prodject on. When we went on the feildtrip we saw the Doukhobors comunity and we go got to go inside, and I was shocked from the way they lived compared to the way we live now.

The Doukhobors had a very different life style compared to the way I live.

Breanna Rilkoff

Final Reflection

My understanging of  culture is.....

When a bunch of people believe in the same things when people might have different beliefs and ways of living than other people.

My understanding of Doukhobors is.....

That they lives through some really hard times, the Doukhobors  didn't have much power but they never gave up on their beliefs and culture. They got through the hard times but also lived in the good ones. The Doukhobors wear clothes that are different than the clothes we waer now.

Learning about another culture really makes me have different perspectives on people and how they really are. Now I can really understand the life of the Dukhobors and how is was for them.

                                                                      :) THE END! :D
                                                                      BY: Shanti Harris

Music Project

We finished the project, it is great that we can be so proud of our short movies! I have some questions that I anwsered before and after, here they are:

What Does Culture Mean To You?
I thind culture is when a group of people shore the same beliefs and are connected in some way. They share the same history and homeland. I think all cultures have some hardships but that just makes the culture stronger. Cultures will change and evolve, but there roots will stay the same. That is what makes us individual. Everyone has a culture.

What Is Your Understanding Of Doukhobors?
I am a Doukhobor so I knew a lot before hand. The thing I learnt most was when the Doukhobors got sent to the schools, my understanding still deepend, but I learn a lot at Sunday School. I will continue to learn about my herritige/culture.

What Are Some Connections Between Your Culture And Doukhobors?
I am Doukhobor, so my culture is Doukhobor. On my Dads side I have some culture from all over Europe. I think all cultures appreciate food, music and there religion in differant ways. Some things might be more important then others depending on the backround.

I love the way we could explore technology and learn some history from around the Kootnays!

Thanks to: Ms. Malloff, Mrs. Sookro, Mo, William, and the Grandparents


Final Reflection

Culture: Culture is anything to do with a persons traditions, religions and any other details about a person. A culture could be about a single person, or a  group or family. Everybody has their own culture. Every culture is recognized for their alike and different qualities.
What I learned: I learned is that the Doukhobors' went through alot just to show what they believed in, they wouldnt let anyone tell them what to do or how to do it, and they were this way with their choices from when they were little kids. And now it shows that they went through all of the torture they did because, many respect them now.

My Connections With the Doukhobrs: I Have No Connections With The Doukohbors.

Final Reflection

I think Culture is a group of people with the same beliefs. Cultures have foods that are uniqe and different from other Cultures foods. People in a Culture also share the same interests.

I learned about the Doukhobor Culture and alot about Doukhobor foods because I did my project on food. I also learned that they had a diffucult and unfair life compared to life today. When we went on our fieldtrip, we went and saw Elders making wood projects, knitting and sewing things to keep the Culture alive.

Doukhobors, as well as my Culture, wear different clothing. There is amazing, uniqe foods in both the Cultures too. There is alot of Similarities and Differences.

Makenna Gill

Final reflection

I think culture is a group of people who believe in the same thing. Culture is also people who eat the same food and have the same interests. I learned there is a place were they make wood projects and old people volunteer their time to keep the culture alive. Culture is impotant because if you travel you will know different things so you will not upset anyone. I knew alot coming into this project because i am a doukhobor.

Final Reflection

   What I understand about Culture...

What I understand about Culture is that it's the life of other groups and people. I think that it is a group of people with the same Beliefs or Religion.  It is Love, Community, Beliefs and life and other stuff.

What I Understand about the Doukhobor's.......

My understanding about Doukhobor's are that they had a really  hard childhood and got sent to a Residential school in New Denver. I understand that I learnt a lot from this project.

My Connections to Doukhobor's......

I have a connection to Doukhobor's because my father's whole side of the family is Doukhobor.

By Jennifer

final reflection

the doukhobors are a vary complex culture and lots of  beliefs  i think that theres a lot more to doukhobors than we think. ezra lemay 

Final reflection

1. I think that its about people that have the same beliefs and they work together to keep their beliefs.

2. My understanding is that they have alot of beliefs. They were not treated that well, they were wipped aand hurt. Childern were taken away and they were only allowed to see their parents once every two weeks. They had to make their own toys and clothes. They had to go sledding on peices of cardbored, and they had to share a room with families and they didnt have much privacy.

3. I think that it is important to learn about another culture because you can learn about how other people live and their beliefs. Also if you go to a place that you studied you would know somethings about the.

Final Doukhobor refelction

Culture: Culture is to me the heritage of people who have their own celebrations, religions and traditions.
What i know about the Doukhobors now:  I learned that the Doukhobors have more complexity than most cultures and are more spiritual as well heartful and religious than most cultures.
My connections: My connections are almost the exct same since i am Russian we have lapsha and borsht the same as the Doukhobors had and the traditions.

Final Reflection

My understanding of culture is:

My understanding of the Doukhobors now is:
They had many challenges.
They sacrifised themselves for freedom.
They belived in peace.

My connections:
My family belives in peace.
My mom makes Borcht.

Zachary Johnson

Final reflection

Thursday, 10 November 2011

The Leader of the Doukhobors was Peter Verigin and Was killed in A bomb
explosion on the Pacific railway on the way to Canada in 1924 Oct 24
Nov 10 By Adam

Clothing and woodworking

We are finished our project and we are going to publish soon. we are exited to be finished,and are happy with the end!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Education history

Hello, We finally finished our video and we are currently blogging about how we finished just in time because our laptop shut down while we were working.
We are happy that we chose the song Pray by Justin Bieber it was a great choice.We don't have narration because we think that the music is more powerful that speaking. We are very proud of our project and we are very happy that we are done so we can all share them on the 29th!

From: Hannah Brown, Jesse Popoff and Brayden Jordan :)

We Are Almost Done!

Our students have almost completed their digital stories about Doukhobor Culture and its influence on our region. Students, please think about how Doukhobor culture has impacted our region, and how our region has impacted Doukhobor culture? How do diverse groups contribute to our society? How do we learn about ourselves through learning about people from local cultures?

Remember, your project task was:
"You are student documentary filmmakers who have been asked to do an ethnographic study of the Doukhobor culture in the Kootenays, in order to learn about it and determine how it has influenced our local region, as well as how it was influenced. Your final task is to create a one-minute video depicting one element of Doukhobor culture with a clear and accurate message about Doukhobor culture. Your stories will be presented at a community film screening event."

Your final steps are:
1. Complete (render and submit to Ms. Malloff) and assess your digital stories according to the attached rubric.
2. Do a final reflection according to the question prompts above in MS Word (spellcheck, please). Have Mrs. Sookro or Ms. Malloff check, and only then post to this blog with your first name and last initial (individual posts only). You will also be doing a final self-assessment using the Social Responsibility rubric to determine your growth in understanding diversity in cultures.

Digital Storytelling Rubric:

1.       Storyboard
Complete and detailed planning of the storyboard, including evidence of research/accuracy, sketches, narration/words. Sequence makes sense, and has a strong core message.
2.       Content and Theme
Content is clearly relevant to story and theme, message is clear and historically accurate. There are no spelling or grammatical errors.
3.       Editing
Transitions, effects, titles, audio, and edits are appropriate to the subject matter, add to the flow of the video, and do not distract from the video. All elements come together to make sense, and are in harmony with each other. The story is 1 minute long.
4.       Teamwork
Work was divided equally between all members. Each person understood their role, and was given an opportunity to contribute. Each member treated the other’s ideas with respect. When problems arose, the group tried to help each other.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Monday, 7 November 2011


(Miranda)My group is doing our project on stories.I thought about it and got an idea that 'everything tells a story' and instead of showing people tell doukhobor stories we could use the pics that we took at the Doukhobor museum and have them with a saying or a meaning.Then the next day I told my idea to my group and they thought it was a great idea so that's what we have been working on.We have worked hard and hopefully people will understand and get a better understanding of the Doukhobors from our video.

By:Miranda,Katelyn,and Quinn!

Education history

Our project is about the doukhobor people and how the children were forced to go to school in New Denver.
Our intention is to tell everyone how lucky they are to go to school and to not be forced to go.
The difference is that we can see our parents after the school day and not have to worry that Your parents might not be alive the Next day.

By Hannah,Jesse and Brayden

Art and Artifacts

We hope to show the many amazing types of art that the doukhobors made, mainly embroidery and woodworking but they also did cool paintinngs and knitting.

Sierra, Harrison, and Reubyn

Our Experience making our Movie

The time we took making this movie really got us to understand both, its food and culture. We are now done our movie and are very proud of it. We learned that the food was a very important piece to the Doukhobor Culture. We are glad we chose to make our movie about food because it was a fun topic to learn about.

By: Makenna, Breanna, Sojpreet and Brandon

Thursday, 3 November 2011

way of Life

Hello everybody.
Our class topic at MSSS was the Doukhobour culture.
Within this, my group decided to specifically focus on their way of life and what they believed in and didn't believe in it is an interesting topic and my group learned lots.(Simone)
Hey it's Simone, me and Els though the way of life was a good topic to do 4 the Doukhobour project. The project is almost done and we hope u get to see it and hope u like it.
From Simone and Els.

Traditional doukhobor cuisine

We inted to show traditional recipes and tell how it wasn't about the food, it was how they were brought together while cooking and eating.
Max and Anthony

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


What we hope to show with our digital story is to show how important music is to the Doukhobors. We believe that music is what is keeping the Doukhobors heritage alive. We went to the Doukhobor museum and took some really beautiful pictures, and then rode to the Dom, a building where Doukhobors sing, and heard some amazing stories. Later on some Doukhobor grandparents told some heartfelt stories about there childhood, we were so happy that they came! It was very nice that the New Denver class could join us on Skype! We had some professional film makers come into our class, Mo and William, big thanks to them for looking at our story board! They showed us how to make a strong video. After that we made our story board and found out a goal for us. That is where we are at!

Beliefs and History

We found out that there were lots of Doukhabours that were sent to Labour/Slave camps and killed and whipped to death and beaten to death because of there beliefs and because they were Doukhabour!

Jennifer, Teya and Adam

What we are doing today, November 1 2011

We are working on our video on the beliefs and history of the Doukhabours. We just finished our story boarding today. Today we are going to try and edit the photos that we have into a video. We have some pictures that we will use and we also have some clips of the Doukhabour people telling us on what their experience of growing up was!!! :):)
                 We have some pretty good pictures that we think that we will use, like some of the labour camps in Siberia maybe. Today we are basically checking out the video sight and we are working on starting our video!!!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Project: Music

Hello, my name is Lena and my partners name is Kalina. Music makes our lives complete, that is what the Doukhobors say, without music our lives would be dull, we love music it will always lighten your mood. We went to the Doukhobor museum and took some very nice pictures, after, we intervewied some grandparents of Doukhobor herritige. Music is fabulous. We met with some film editors and documentry editdors. We made a very awesome story board. We are now working to match the films with the pictures.

Doukhobour's Food

Our experience learning about the complex culture of the Doukhobors was interesting because there food is delicious and unique! Doukhobor food such as Borscht has been spread thoughour the Kootneys and other places.

Makenna, Breanna, Sojpreet and Brandon

Our group thoughts about the doukhobors child hood and story's

We thought that the Doukhobors had a very difficult life and that they didn't have any toys when they where little And they had to go to néw Denver lusern school and had tuns of chores and they could only see there parents every Two weeks .they believed toil and peace and that our creator lives in every one of us .


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

moving to canada

When the Doukhobors moved to Canada the goverment of Canada was make the to buy land for them self but the Doukhobor lived together.


Doukhobors refused to join the their countries army so they were slaves for their country and many Doukhodors were killed from being whiped to death


Doukobors were forced to go to a school were you lived there and did not get to see there families all the time like kids this day.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

what we know !

this is some stuff we know is that the Doukhbors buned down their houses because they didn't believe in the govenment taxes. We also know that the Doukabhors exchange bread at weddings and they love to knit stuff. Our question is why did they come to Canada ! By: Tiara, Sam and Aaron


What were their belifes. They have a celebration after one year of a family members death. They used to live in sasktewan. They're russian. They used to live 10 people in one room and sleep on the floor.


What We Think We Know

We think we know that Doukhobors were Russians and put a big influence on the community. We also heard that they set their houses on fire because it was rebelion against the Government. They were a poor soceity at the time. They lived in villages scattered all across the Kootneys. We would like to learn how they influenced our community to make us remember them to this day.

                                                                                                    By: Makenna, Sojpreet, Breanna and Brandon

What we know

we know that doukhobors are russians that cook and eat lots of yummy food and if they can they cook enough food for a LOT of people, and they have contributed that food to our area. some doukhobors burned their houses down. there are also so many people who are doukhobors or are new generations of doukhobors so they have to each russian in the schools. the doukhobor women plowed the fields and cooked and cleaned and the men hunted and stuff. we would like to know excactly what kind of food they made.

Hannah, Megan, Terra-Mae

What we think we know.

  1. They make good food (borche)
  2. They live in the Kootenays
  3. They farm
  4. They have no power
  5. They don't believe in war or violence
We are still wondering about...where else did the Doukhobors live?
Zac, Bruce and Victoria.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Our First Class

Our Grade 7 class has now begun the Digital Heritage Connect Project.

Our first class was spent understanding our task:
"You are mini-documentary filmmakers. Your mission is to investigate the Doukhobor Culture, and to learn more about its values, traditions, and features based on an inquiry question your team generates. The final project is a 60-second clip with a core message based on your question and research."

Below is a photo collage of some of our class members. We hope to blog with other classes in the near future!

Friday, 7 October 2011


Mt. Sentinel grade 7 students will be using this blog to post information, progress, and learning for their Digital Heritage Connect Project.